Arrange your ADHD Assessment without delay
Rather than wait for years to be diagnosed by the NHS you can book an ADHD Assessment with a specialist ADHD clinician. By getting diagnosed faster you are on the pathway to getting the right support and making a difference to your work performance and qualify of life.
What's included
You'll receive an in-depth ADHD assessment with a specialist clinician qualified in diagnosing ADHD. The assessments explore areas such as your childhood, your current experience, how you function and much more. After your assessment results are reviewed by the clinician, you will both meet to discuss your diagnosis report.
Speedy diagnosis
Avoid long NHS wait times and uncertainty. Rapid answers to whether you have ADHD and if so, which type.
Personalised care
Obtain a thorough evaluation of your ADHD symptoms through the convenience of an online consultation.
Pathway to support
Access our Access to Work grant service, ADHD Coaching, therapy and even an ADHD Virtual Assistant.
ADHD diagnosis benefits
With an ADHD diagnosis you can have peace-of mind and begin practical steps for ADHD treatment. Medication may be one of the routes that you explore along with ADHD coaching and day-to-day support.
Get funding for work support
Having an ADHD diagnosis can help make a more robust case for an Access to Work grant application.
Productivity coaching
With an ADHD diagnosis you can get the support you need to address ADHD challenges without delay.
Don't let ADHD go undiagnosed or untreated – take control of your life today.
Undertake the assessments
The process commences with a thorough 2-hour initial assessment meeting with your ADHD clinician. This is held online for your maximum convenience.
ADHD specialist consultant review
Your clinician will analyse the information from your initial meeting and additional information.
Diagnosis meeting
You will meet your clinician for a follow-up meeting to discuss the outcome of your ADHD assessment along with any relevant next steps.
Start appropriate treatment and support
There are a number of treatments and support options potentially available to you, including a combination of medication, therapy, work support and coaching.
Customer testimonials
We help people like you to get a private ADHD diagnosis for themselves or loved ones.
Owner, events management company
Mother to 17 yo with ADHD
Programmer, data analytics company
Director, construction company.
ADHD Diagnosis fee
Book your ADHD diagnosis today and start getting the support you deserve.
Some of the commonly asked and answered questions below. If you require more information then please contact us using the methods below.
No. You can get an ADHD assessment without any involvement from your doctor. However, it is a good idea to liaise with your doctor before getting an assessment just to rule out other possible causes of ADHD-like symptoms. For example, low blood sugar can cause problems with concentration and fatigue while elevated blood sugar can cause hyperactivity.
After booking, your clinician will ask you to undertake any preparation. It's helpful if, before your assessment, you can think of the symptoms you have which make you think you have ADHD. Try to recall the experiences you had at school, with your family when you were younger, and socialising generally. If you have any school reports for instance, that my be useful. Also, think about everyday things you find difficult that other people find easy: things such as timekeeping, forgetfulness, getting distracted easily, getting bored, daydreaming, fidgeting and having more energy than you can control, problems getting to sleep, staying asleep, and getting up in the morning. The more of these kinds of examples of the problems which can be put down to ADHD the more certainty we can put into your assessment.
No. You are arranging for a private ADHD assessment as you believe that you have the symptoms of ADHD. To make such a diagnosis there is an investment of time by the specialist clinician who will arrange for you to undergo a series of assessments, provide you with a diagnosis report and have a consultation with you. There are some other conditions that can have signs and symptoms similar to ADHD and the clinician will be required to exclude these other conditions when determining whether you have ADHD. If you do not have ADHD it may be that you have a different physical or mental health condition that may require treatment in any case.
Diagnosising ADHD is a specialisation. Typiclaly, GPs do not have the necessary qualifications to diagnose neurological conditions such as ADHD. Your GP would refer you to a specialist in the NHS for diagnosis that can lead to many years before becoming diagnosed.